Is That A Key In Your Pocket

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How Our Favorite Device Could Make The the Perfect Security Tool

Remember the last time you locked yourself out of your house or car?  The wave of panic when you realize the door just shut and now you’re standing outside wondering if you can spontaneously learn to pick a lock or find an unlocked window to climb through?  


For many years now, a simple solution to this oft-repeated dilemma has been carried around but somewhat unused by companies, organizations, and schools at large.  That solution of course, is right now sitting in your pocket or on your desk or staring you in the face as you read this – it’s your phone.  A mobile one to be exact.

While the research continues to mount in favor of mobile credentialing (we’ve written extensively on this topic for more on that see our article from April 8th, 2020) there remains one immediately convincing piece of evidence that conversely provides a duh kind of insight: 

Our phones are always with us.  We know.  “Duh”, right?  

But stop and think about this basic premise for a second: when it comes down to it, the major problem with traditional credentials is their propensity to be lost, copied, shared, piggy-backed at the scanner, etc.  In other words, traditional credentials are not always with us.


But with mobile credentialing, the risk of this goes down significantly.  With many smartphones now requiring a personal biometric validation, combined with the fact that most people view their phones as an intensely private extension of themselves, the likelihood of us being separated from our phones grows slim.  

 This is good news, especially since the credential on a mobile device can be specifically encrypted, adding a further layer of protection in admitting, or revoking access.  Again, this is not only about providing easier access but the ability to remotely deactivate the credentials of someone seeking to harm an organization or industry.

But it’s not just about the fact that these highly tailored credentials are always with us and allow greater control to the administrators, it’s also what this trend says about the way of the future.  


An important and simple fact of innovation is that people will use what is most present and readily available.  Ease of access often dictates what endures.  And mobile credentialing offers just that.  Additionally, as the world has wrestled with a global pandemic this past year, the need for safer, touchless, and more reliable credentials has become increasingly important.  

We believe that – as mobile phones continue to revolutionize the way we conduct business, shop, create friendships, and generally live – mobile credentialing will become an ever-increasing part of the landscape.  And it’s our aim at SAGE to keep moving our clients into this current landscape so that they and their customers don’t continue being exposed by old and outdated systems.  Not only does mobile credentialing keep us moving forward, it does so in an unprecedentedly safe way.  Now that’s something everyone can get behind.  


To have an assessment of your current system or to figure out if the time is right for you and your organization to transition to a mobile ecosystem, please reach out to us at SAGE so one of our highly skilled integrators can start walking you through your questions.  

Together we will prepare you for the future that’s coming, and for the one that’s already here.