Looking Ahead To 2022 And How To Be “Always There Before You”
Like many of you, we at SAGE Integration are putting the finishing touches on our 2021 and casting our vision forward to next year. We begin that process by taking a good hard look at the year that has just passed, and asking ourselves some questions like:
What helped our clients the most in 2021?
Given the opportunity, would we do it the same way again? Why or why not?
Where did we see internal friction within our own departments?
Did that ever impact our clients?
Did we fix it?
What strategies, technologies, and methods worked best in 2021?
What strategies, technologies, and methods will lead the way in 2022?
Asking questions like these (and ideating the future around the answers) helps us prioritize our new and potential clients by focusing on actionable insight rather than simply checking the boxes and giving ourselves a score. No blame, no shame. Just a constant drive to get better and better.
This winter, we spent a lot of time focusing on how SAGE Integration is “Always There Before You”. It’s a sentiment we’re going to continue talking about into the new year because it sums up what we hope our clients feel like when they work with us.
For us, the goal of great security is not just protection but prevention. What we’ve found through our work and relationships with CEO’s, VP’s, Security Directors, and Facilities Managers is that when it comes to security, understanding and implementing strategies that prevent dangerous situations, is far more valuable than simply being able to detect when they’re happening.
That’s why we continue to research and test technologies and strategies that give those in Security Leadership positions, like you, the best prevention possible – not just an ability to detect when something bad has already happened.
This attention to preventative detail defines our work at SAGE Integration – and we plan to keep sharpening our eye in 2022. One way that we’re doing that is our continuously growing engineering department. Too many security integrators focus on their sales team, while allowing their engineering departments (the real backbone of any security integrator’s expertise) to remain unchallenged and stagnant.
At SAGE, we’re actively growing and challenging our engineering department to keep ideating better solutions using the right technology partners for SAGE’s clients like you.
That allows us to be ahead on two fronts: Relationally understanding what Security Leaders like you need, and encouraging our engineering department to find the most innovative solutions to meet those needs.
When we do our job better than anyone else, it allows you to do your job better than anyone else.
We’re excited to be cultivating new and better ways of helping our clients with this posture of “Always There Before You” and will be continuously sharing our findings and expertise with our customers and audience this next year. Be looking for it.
The world is constantly advancing – sometimes in ways that feel exciting and hopeful and other times in ways that feel scary and overwhelming. The tools at your disposal often greatly impact how you feel about that advancing world.
So At SAGE, we’re doing our best to make sure that the future remains exciting for our clients, their employees, and customers by helping to prevent the scary and overwhelming from ever taking place, and making sure you have the very best security tools at your disposal whenever you need them.
If you’re interested in learning more about how SAGE can be Always There Before You, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.
Best wishes for the new year! We’ll see you there.