Posts in Risk Management
September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, a perfect reminder for businesses, hospitals, critical infrastructure facilities, and higher education institutions to review their disaster readiness. Being prepared can safeguard your employees, patients, students, visitors, and operations, reassuring stakeholders your business will withstand and recover from unforeseen incidents.

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Advancing Financial Institution Security

Protecting the county's financial institutions is not a task that SAGE Integration takes lightly. As one of the Department of Homeland Security's designated critical infrastructures, we understand the importance of applying best-in-class physical security solutions based on each facility's needs.

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SAGE Integration COVID-19 Response

If you are like us, you have received dozens of updates from your partners, vendors, and any business you’ve ever made an online purchase to about their COVID-19 response. While the environment in which we work and serve our customers continues to shift, much at SAGE Integration stays the same. Because our job is to maintain the highest levels of stability for the people, facilities, and reputations we protect, we have taken a measured approach, cautious about feeding the fires of crisis-thinking.

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