Touchless Access Technologies


Data Center Hardening Using Touchless Access Technologies

There is no denying it data centers are critical to supporting our countries infrastructure. Yesterday's access control technologies are no match against today's sophisticated criminals. Touchless Access Technologies offer a higher level of security when it comes to hardening data centers against outside and inside threats.

SAGE Integration has partnered with the leading providers of Touchless Access Technologies design to harden data center access through the deployment of biometric devices and biometric authentication. Biometric credentials can provide access to an individual based on verification of an individual's physical characteristics, such as a vein scanning, an iris or retinal scan, facial recognition, vocal recognition, or an individual's gait.

Biometric credential technology is convenient, stable, and reliable. Although not as inexpensive as access card technologies, biometric access control technology is a smart choice for improving data center security.

Why Touchless Access Technologies?

Touchless Access Technologies can provide two-factor verification and eliminate the possibility of sharing access cards or duplicating credentials. Thanks to intuitive user interfaces, biometric Touchless Access Technologies are easy to manage while simultaneously offering stricter access protocols. Best of all, Touchless Access Technologies systems can be cost-effective in the long run.

Enabling Better Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor, or multi-factor authentication, dramatically strengthens data center security protocols by requiring employees to provide two or three methods of verification before gaining entry into secure areas. For example, combining facial, iris scanning, or vocal recognition systems offer easy ways to provide multi-factor authentication without burdening employees with keys, fobs, or apps.

They're Nearly Impossible to Duplicate

Faces, irises, veins, gaits, and voices are unique to an individual, and an individual's distinctive markers are nearly impossible to duplicate. Biometric Touchless Access Technologies is a considerable improvement over keys, access control card technologies, and pin codes.

Biometric Touchless Access Technologies are Easy to Manage 

Even the most forgetful employee can't misplace their face, iris, gait, or voice. And you can say goodbye to awkwardly collecting keys and access cards as part of an employee's exit interview. With Touchless Access Technologies, it's easy to restrict or provide levels of access at any time from anywhere.

Touchless Access Technology is as easy to use and manage as your iPhones Apple "Face Id" simply scan your face, and you have created another level of security to protect access to your phone.

More significantly, however, hardening your data center access technologies mitigates risk and enhances accountability by strengthening security protocols. Biometrics can reduce liability while keeping your data assets secure.

Jill Kehl, Data Center Vertical Market Leader
SAGE Integration | |860-682-2929